Yes on 22

Driving the conversation.


in public support for Prop 22.


in papers across California.


shared personal stories that were featured prominently on the website.


signed up to support Yes on 22.

In 2019, app-based rideshare and delivery drivers’ employment status came into question and the state of California moved passed Assembly Bill 5 to reclassify drivers as employees rather than independent contractors—a decision the majority of drivers opposed. 


By 2020 the wheels were in motion for Prop 22, a ballot initiative to clarify the employment status of California’s app-based drivers as independent contractors. Our team supplemented a paid media strategy with an aggressive earned media approach that made it clear that the drivers themselves were supportive of Prop 22.


Clyde ran an aggressive campaign to recruit and train drivers for media engagements, ensuring their voices were prominently featured in news coverage in California and around the world. We successfully countered opponents’ arguments that Prop 22 was bad for drivers with proof that drivers supported the measure. Our engagement with editorial boards also resulted in 25 newspaper endorsements across the state.


Yes on 22 won the vote by a 18 point margin (59-41). This was a tremendous change in three months: in July 2020, the campaign did a ballot test that showed just 28% support for Yes on 22 and 54% against it.

Media Coverage

Uber and Lyft Drivers in California Will Remain Contractors
Inside Uber and DoorDash’s Push to Win the Most Expensive Ballot Race in California History
Uber and Lyft are pouring millions of dollars into Facebook ads to protect their business in California
It’s a Ballot Fight for Survival for Gig Companies Like Uber

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