PR Pros’ Spring Cleaning Checklist.

Spring is officially upon us, which means it’s a great time for PR agency pros to do some spring cleaning and refreshing. As the weather warms up, here’s a comprehensive checklist for agency teams to ensure best practices and resources are up-to-date. Happy spring cleaning!
1. Clean up media lists. Make sure your media lists are updated to weed out any reporters that may have relocated in the new year.
2. Create a successes deck for 2021. Compile your results, and use this information to guide your 2022 goals.
3. Vet new expertise on staff. Have you added new team members recently? If so, make sure you know in-depth their previous experience.
4. Promote new technology for clients. It is your job to keep your clients informed about new technological advancements in the communications field. If you haven’t yet, take some time to set up a meeting about the implications of the metaverse for communicators, new software programs, analytics tools, etc. — and the value they bring.
5. Check in with friendly reporters you haven’t chatted with recently. Don’t forget to keep your name and clients fresh in a reporter’s mind. Reach out and check in, ask how they are, and see how you can be of help for future stories. Make sure they know they can count on you to be their go-to for access to subject matter experts.
6. Benchmark progress against client KPIs. See how you are tracking against client KPIs to ensure alignment and re-evaluate if needed.
7. Ensure email hygiene. Nothing feels better than “Inbox Zero.” Clean out your inbox, reorganize your tabs and set new preferences. Make sure your docs are organized and easily accessible.
8. Check social channels for updated graphics/video specs and new features. Read updates from Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and other social media platforms to familiarize yourself with new features and capabilities.
9. Edit, delete and refresh old media monitoring alerts. Don’t forget to refresh any media monitoring alerts you have set up to ensure they are relevant and timely.
10. Clean out your physical spaces. Organized physical spaces are conducive to greater productivity and a clearer state of mind. Whether you work from home, in an office, or both, don’t forget to clean out your workspace (purge, file, organize) so you can stay results-focused in 2022!