
Empty Clicks: Why Online Activism Is Often Meaningless.

Advocacy Empty Clicks
In the age of Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat (the list goes on), issue activism has largely been relegated from the streets to behind the code of an app. Clyde Group Associate Ali Carey examines why, despite increased visibility, this new era of "clicktivism" hasn't ushered in the future of social change movements.   "Twitter and Facebook have proven their roles stretch far beyond connecting with friends. Social media has played an undeniable part in organizing social change and political protest. When we look at the London Riots, Arab Spring and the revolution in Egypt, we can’t deny social media played a key role in organizing the unrest, and connecting those looking for change. While there is no refuting the importance of social media’s role in social change, the impact of online activism, or clicktivism, may be more modest than we originally anticipated."   See the full article at Elite Daily.


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