The Supreme Court Won’t Create Marriage Equality. Straight People Will..

Leading up to a potentially historic moment in the LGBT rights movement, Senior Associate Justin Warren examines what the path to true marriage equality will look like after the U.S. Supreme Court decides the Obergefell v. Hodges case.
“In 2013, the United States Supreme Court handed down the biggest decision in the history of gay rights – striking down the Defense of Marriage Act in Windsor v. United States. 65 state and federal pro-gay marriage rulings later, the Supreme Court revisited the topic, potentially delivering what is arguably the greatest ever advance in gay civil rights.
But while the fight in the courtroom might look the same as it did in 2013, the real key to marriage equality doesn’t rest in the Obergefell v. Hodges decision. In recent years, the strategy for equality involved winning over the states by changing statutes one-by-one. Today, with gay marriage considered legal in 35 states and the District of Columbia, winning the war means returning to a strategy as old as the Stonewall Riots themselves – winning over the hearts of the people.
Up until now, gay rights advocacy organizations made a good bet that the fastest way to the altar was through a judge. And now that a victorious end to the marriage battle looks possible, at least some – like New York-based Freedom to Marry – are looking to close up shop and move on to the next cause. But is their work really done? Is legal gay marriage the same as marriage equality …”
See the full article at Blue Nation Review.